Well...last month was the final meeting of the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle Journey Three. Sad to see all the fun end! Only for a little while though, because we plan to start things up again in the fall, with Journey Four. You can see some photos of the projects below...definitely some variety from the current Journey, which always makes for some fun sewing times!

This time, the club will meet on the first Wednesday of each month, from September through March (we'll skip January). There are two sessions: a morning group from 10:30-12, and an afternoon meeting from 1-2:30. The cost is $80 for your class fee AND pattern set ($80 for six small patterns plus a bonus project, and 6 gatherings of fun, camaraderie and treats on occasion!? Doesn't get much better than that...). If you can't make time in your schedule for class-time, there is also an option to purchase the pattern set alone for $40. We're quickly filling the morning session, but there are still a few spots open, and lots of room in the afternoon session. Let us know if you'd like more info!
Here is the last project from the current Prairie Women session...we chose schoolhouse colors to show off the blocks.
Speaking of new projects... pictured here is the new Clubhouse Block of the Month project from Michael Miller and Swirly Girl Designs. The program is called 'Weekend' and this particular color-way is titled 'Cabana'. We're running it as a traditional BOM program (pick up a kit every month, no class or meeting) but with the addition of occasional group sew-days. The photo of the quilt is kind of deceiving- the blue in the border fabric is more of a denim-textured color than a bright blue. Some of the fabrics are shown below... of course, fabric in person is always better than fabric online, but at least you get an idea of the color palette. These fabrics are allocated for kits only right now, but eventually some of them will be available for other projects. It's a gorgeous color combination, don't you think?

For other news...we just received some new preprinted tags for your small projects. These are called Tag-It-On's, and they are the ones that you stitch into a seam - on a binding of a quilt or into the cuff of a pillowcase. We have several options, from Halloween to Christmas to 'Grandma Loves You'...perfect for adding some personalization to a project!
Happy Stitching!