Remember when we put out the call for entries in the Alice in Wonderland fabric challenge this fall? Well check out these amazing projects! We didn't get alot of responses but we did learn about how much the Alice in Wonderland story is near and dear to several quilter's out there! We received some amazing project - what a great variety of thought and care that went into the execution of these and we are so thankful to those ladies that joined this challenge! We've heard from a few of the participants that they enjoyed the process, liked their end result and feel good about participating. That is what it's supposed to be - FUN right?!
Thank-you Marianne, Florence, Suz, Anne and Kathleen - great talents ladies!! We'll be offering up a bit of a thank-you and recognition to these ladies - and if you happen to know any one of these artists, please give them a shout out. Better yet, come by and visit the projects in person - there is alot of detail that we just don't reveal in the photos.
Marianne Adler |
Some great creativity and some nice hand quilting to make this a one-of-a-kind tea cozy! Fun and functional, what a great idea.
Of course part of the challenge for us is to find where the word fabric was used - some were subtle and used a tiny amount or just the images from the fabric, and no the words and some camouflaged theirs up a bit.
Florence DiJulio |
We love the modified rabbit Florence created - she based hers on a pattern by Elizabeth Hartman.
We're lining these projects up in no particular order - just based on the sequence that we received them here at the shop. Which one is your favorite?
Kathleen Rathvon |
Kathleen really went all out on this one - a collection of vintage hankies are really showcased here - and some additional embellishing in a modified crazy quilt style. Really fun...I expect this may make an appearance at a future tea party with a special grandchild.
Suz Litzsinger |
I still can't believe the stitchery that Suz can whip out - this one really has some beautiful stitching around that neck ruffle and additional details to look at closely - really a fun one.
Anne Bargetz |
I know Anne had a master plan on this one and each element reveals her familiarity with the Alice story. I don't see a flamingo - but apparently that would have been the icing on the cake?!
And we have one other new sample up that pretty much covers the rainbow.
Watercolor Palette
Sample made by Florence DiJulio
Free Pattern at Hoffman Fabrics
Have you seen the latest digital prints from Hoffman - this is the paint palette all sewn up - using a free pattern from the Hoffman website
Watercolor Palette Pattern. We haven't quilted our sample yet, but it looks pretty cool as is don't you think?