Upcoming English Paper Piecing Classes

English Paper Piecing 101 with Jane Buys
Learn English paper piecing techniques in this introductory class! We will review a variety of methods and products that can be used to create all kinds of hand-pieced projects (tote bags, wall-hangings, quilts, etc.). Other topics to be covered include fabric considerations, various methods of basting papers, and finishing techniques.
You'll have a chance try these methods and sample a variety of product options- plus get some construction tips from an expert! We'll provide 1 inch hexagons to get you started OR if you have a particular project or paper piecing shape that you want to work with, please bring it and you can get some personalized instruction too.
Friday, May 20th
10 am-Noon
Class Fee: $25.00
English Paper Piecing Re-Imagined with Jane Buys
Design and create an English Paper Pieced (EPP) one-of-a-kind quilt inspired by a vintage or other unique choice in this six month class. Prerequisite for this session is the EPP 101 or waiver based on EPP prior experience. Find a picture or inspiration source and prepare to create your version with help throughout the course on fabric selections, including color and value discussions while enhancing your EPP skills. Build your creative skills and enjoy some company at the same time!
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month for six months (October 2016-April 2017, skipping December)
12:30 pm-2:30 pm
Class Fee: $60.00
We are enjoying the extra daylight, and thinking how many more sewing projects can we fit into that bonus of daylight that deceptively makes me think the day is much longer than it really is! And to go with extra free time, we have some fabulous spring wearable fabrics showing up along with some new quilting cottons. For example, the Art Gallery chambray denim and this new double gauze from Cotton + Steel. We have a couple of other new gauze prints - perfect for swaddling a new baby or cute summer outfits! We'll be adding more pictures soon...but you'll want to come in and check these out in person, as always, the feel of the fabric and the colors in person are always better!