Well - we do want to crow a bit about this Challenge - We think it was a pretty good concept, lots of room for creativity, and I love it when it all comes together so well! Our Chinese takeout boxes were the perfect container for the challenge kits and we certainly appreciate everyone that took the time to create something for this event. A spring quilt show in the garden will be be a perfect venue to show these off too!
In no particular order - we have a photo of each of the quilts that are on display here in the shop, and they'll be featured this weekend at the upcoming quilt show at My Garden Nursery! We'll keep them on display for the rest of the month and return them in early May - so you'll have a chance to come and visit them more than once perhaps?!
This colorful Rooster is from a pattern design by Sarah Bailey - and the alphabet blocks are designed by Sam Hunter. The Portland Modern Quilt Guild is promoting letters and words in their quilts and Florence has embraced the concept - using them on her quilt fronts as well as quilt backs. Great way to make a statement!!
Seeking Truth in 2017 - Florence |
And we have an identifiable color palette with this one? Anyone have cereal for breakfast - "Taste them again, for the first time? Thanks Leslie!
Years and Years of the Rooster - Leslie |
This one titled Big Man, combines applique and embroidery and was inspired by Leah's chicken children! A great day on the farm?
Big Man- Leah |
"Rooster" incorporates a gorgeous range of colorful prints, and some added technique with Shiva paintsticks on the background fabric. Karen used internet images for inspiration and took off from there with great fabric choices!
Rooster - Karen |
Lois sourced her rooster from information on the Chinese Calendar and incorporate the gold coins for luck into her project!
Year of the Rooster - Lois |
This rooster applique design is by Sindy Rodenmayer, and Susan added some fancy decorative stitching to personalize her Rooster.
Rooster - Susan |
Kerry was our wild card entry - a rooster is included in her piece, but not the focal point. She included lots of elements including Chinese characters for Faith and Health, qualities for the Year of the Rooster a coin for luck and prosperity along with other symbolic elements. "The Fan is representative of the breeze created by the Rooster's wings and lanterns for light which as the Rooster ushers in the Dawn"....This one really takes the assignment to interpret the Year of the Rooster to the next level!
Untitled - Kerry |
And last but not least is a beautiful Fire Rooster that incorporates the chinese coin for the Rooster's eye. Linda got her fabric choice just right on this one don't you think?
Fire Rooster - Linda |
We love that several of the entries incorporated some of the items from the challenge kit, and we love how colorful and varied these quilts are! Thank you so much for sharing your quilts with us. Stop by this weekend and see them at My Garden Nursery!
Below are some photos from our long-distance participants - we have entries from Alabama, Connecticut, New Jersey and Oregon! Thank-you for sharing your projects and we appreciate your willingness to join the fun!
All Cooped Up! - Barb |
Barb used a great chicken wire fabric for the back of hers!
Danice's Year of the Rooster - Danice |
This rooster looks about ready to crow - Danice's rooster is a hybrid of chinese and farmhouse style! Her rooster design is by Sindy Rodenmayer of Fat Cat Patterns
free pattern
Stand Tall Chicken - Lori |
This funky chicken is making a statement about all the glory allocated to the Rooster's! Lori took her inspiration from a favorite Folk artist, Karla Gerard and includes some great stitching!
Retro Roosters - Barbara |
And Barbara was inspired by a recent project (Gypsy Wife by Jen Kingwell) using lots of strips - and vintage fabrics. This project features some well-aged roosters, the center fabric is 57 years old! And Barbara collaborated on this project with a donation from a blog friend in Maine - with additional vintage rooster fabric for the back - check it out below!
Back of Retro Roosters - Barb |
We love how these quilts all have a strong, vibrant and upbeat feel to them - let's take those thoughts into the year ahead! Thank-you everyone for some great inspiration.