Walking Foot with Tonya Alexander
Come and take a walk on the wild side - of machine quilting! We'll explore the ins and outs of quilting with the walking foot on your domestic machine and go way beyond tried and true stitch-in-the-ditch. Topics include basting, set-up and design decisions as well as several techniques to use walking foot quilting in your projects. We'll sample match-stick, wavy echo, big spiral and many more. Two dates to choose from:
Sunday, January 27th, 2019
Saturday, April 13th, 2019
Beginning Piecing with Jo Baner
I think the only thing better than receiving a lovingly, handmade quilt is giving one! If you like to sew but have yet to try your hand at quilt making, now is the time! Learn accurate and safe rotary cutting, color value, pressing vs. ironing, accurate 1/4" seam allowance and other quilt-piecing-basics in this two-part class with local artist and instructor, Jo Baner. This two-part introduction to quilt piecing will have you well on your way to a completed quilt top and ready for more quilting activities! Two 2-part sessions to choose from:
Saturday, February 2nd & 9th, 2019
Thursday, March 7th & 14th, 2019
Photo from Visible Mending by Jenny Cardon |
Mindful Mending with Kami Quessenberry
Learn to creatively repair and refresh your items that need mending in this class guided by Jenny Cardon's book, "Visible Mending". You will learn stitchery and embroidery techniques
that are great for revamping or repairing your favorite denim, sweaters and more.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Speed Dating with Improv with Krista Hennebury
We're thrilled to host talented and published author, Krista Hennebury for a unique class. Krista will be coming down from British Columbia for the day to share her expertise and creative energy. Think of this class as speed dating with fast paced, fun improvisational piecing techniques that include curves and free-cutting. Several techniques are introduced and demonstrated one after the other with very little time to second guess, stress or obsess over perfection. Every student will end up with a unique, original quilt!
Friday, March 8, 2019
Better Binding with Jo Baner
You selected the most fabulous fabrics, pieced to perfection your quilt top and quilted a masterpiece! Now what?! You gotta bind your baby...that's what! Jo's going to be back in the 2T Classroom to not only help you put the finishing touches on you project but will share her tips, tricks and techniques for better binding. Learn double fold, bias and machine binding in this 3 hour session.
Saturday, March 30th, 2019